Neural Engineering Lab
Biomed Eng, Yonsei Univ
Journal articles (SCI/SCIE)
1. Kwang Su Cha, Tae-Joon Kim, Jin-Sun Jun, Jung-Ick Byun, Jun-Sang Sunwoo, Jung-Won Shin, Kyung Hwan Kim, Sang Kun Lee, and Ki-Young Jung, Impaired slow oscillation, sleep spindle and slow oscillation-spindle coordination in patients with idiopathic restless legs syndrome, Scientific Reports, vol. 66, Feb. 2020
2. Seongjin Her, Kwang Su Cha, Jeong Woo Choi, Hyun Kim, Jung-Ick Byun, Jun-Sang Sunwoo, Tae-Joon Kim, Jung-Ah Lim, Ki-Young Jung, Kyung Hwan Kim, Impaired visuospatial attention revealed by theta- and beta-band cortical activities in idiopathic rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder (iRBD) patients, Clinical Neurophysiology, vol. 130, no. 10, pp. 1962-70, Oct. 2019
3. Kim, Tae-Joon; Cha, Kwang Su; Lee, Sanghun; Yang, Tae-Won; Kim, Keun Tae; Park, Byeong-Su; Jun, Jin-Sun; Lim, Jung-Ah; Byun, Jung-Ick; Sunwoo, Jun-Sang; Shin, Jung-Won; Kim, Kyung Hwan; Lee, Sang Kun; Jung, Ki-Young, Brain regions associated with periodic leg movements during sleep and their periodicity in idiopathic restless legs syndrome, Sleep, 2019
4. Donghoon Yeo, Jeong Woo Choi, Kwang Su Cha, Kyung Hwan Kim, Spatiotemporal analysis of event-related current density reveals dissociable effects of arousal and valence on emotional picture processing, Journal of Korean Med. Sci., vol. 34, no. 20, pp. e146, May. 2019
5. Sunwoo, Jun-Sang; Cha, Kwang Su; Byun, Jung-Ick; Kim, Tae-Joon; Jun, Jin-Sun; Lim, Jung-Ah; Lee, Soon-Tae; Jung, Keun-Hwa; Park, Kyung-Il; Chu, Kon; Kim, Han-Joon; Kim, Manho; Lee, Sang Kun; Kim, Kyung Hwan; Schenck, Carlos; Jung, Ki-Young, Abnormal Activation of Motor Cortical Network during Phasic REM Sleep in Idiopathic REM Sleep Behavior Disorder, Sleep, vol. 42, no. 2, Feb. 2019
6. Jeong Woo Choi, Kwang Su Cha, Kyung Hwan Kim, Covert intention on ‘yes’ or ‘no’ is dissociated in alpha-band local and inter-regional neural synchronies, Computational intelligence and neuroscience, vol. 2019, pp. 11, 2019.
1. Jun-Sang Sunwoo, Kwang Su Cha; Jung-Ick Byun; Tae-Joon Kim; Jin-Sun Jun; Jung-Ah Lim; Soon-Tae Lee; Keun-Hwa Jung; Kyung-Il Park; Kon Chu; Han-Joon Kim; Manho Kim; Sang Kun Lee; Kyung Hwan Kim; Carlos Schenck, Ki-Young Jung, Abnormal Activation of Motor Cortical Network during Phasic REM Sleep in Idiopathic REM Sleep Behavior Disorder, Sleep, Nov, 2018
2. Joo-Hee Park, Heon-Seock Cynn, Kwang Su Cha, Kyung Hwan Kim, Hye-Seon Jeon, Event-Related Desynchronization (ERD) of Mu Rhythms During Concentric and Eccentric Contractions, Journal of Motor Behavior, vol. 50, no. 4, Sep. 2018
1. Min Hee Jeong, Jeong Woo Choi, Byeong Uk Lee, Kwang Su Cha, Ki-Young Jung, Kyung Hwan Kim, Abnormal sleep delta rhythm and inter-regional phase synchrony in patients with restless legs syndrome and recovery by dopamine agonist treatment, J. Clinical Neurology, Aug. 2017
2. Jun-Sang Sunwoo, Sanghun Lee, Jung-Hoon Kim, Jung-Ah Lim, Tae-Joon Kim, Jung-Ick Byun, Min Hee Jeong, Kwang Su Cha, Jeong Woo Choi, Kyung Hwan Kim, Soon-Tae Lee, Keun-Hwa Jung, Kyung-Il Park, Kon Chu, Manho Kim, Sang Kun Lee, Ki-Young Jung, Altered Functional Connectivity in Idiopathic Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorder: A Resting-State EEG Study, Sleep, Apr. 2017
3.Kwang Su Cha, Jeong Woo Choi, Byeong Uk Lee, Yong Seo Koo, Ki-Young Jung, Kyung Hwan Kim, Frontal dysfunction in restless legs syndrome patients performing a visual oddball task: an event-related potential source imaging study, Sleep Medicine, May. 2017
4. Sang Baek Ryu, Jeong Woo Choi, Kun No Ahn, Yong Sook Goo, Kyung Hwan Kim, Amplitude modulation-based electrical stimulation for encoding multipixel spatiotemporal visual information in retinal neural activities, J. Korean Medical Sciences, vol. 35, Apr. 2017
5. Jeong Woo Choi, Kwang Su Cha, Ki-Young Jung, and Kyung Hwan Kim, Gamma-band neural synchrony due to autobiographical fact violation in a self-referential question, Brain Research, May. 2017
1. Kwang Su Cha, Donghoon Yeo and Kyung Hwan Kim, Neural signal processing for closed-loop neuromodulation, Biomedical Engineering Letters, vol. 6, pp. 113-122, 2016
2. Changkyun Im, Hae Yong Park, Chin Su Koh, Sang Baek Ryu, In Seok Seo, Yong Jung Kim, Kyung Hwan Kim and Hyung-Cheul Shin, Decoding intravesical pressure from local field potentials in rat lumbosacral spinal cord, Journal of Neural Engineering, vol. 13, pp. 56005, Aug, 2016
3. Kyungsik Eom, Changkyun Im, Seoyoung Hwang, Seyoung Eom, Hae Sun Jeong, Kyung Hwan Kim, Kyung Min Byun, Sang Beom Jun, and Sung June Kim, Synergistic combination of near-infrared irradiation and targeted gold nanoheaters for enhanced photothermal neural stimulation, , Biomedical Optics Express, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 1614-1625, Apr. 1, 2016
4. Jinhyung Kim, Sang Baek Ryu, Sung Eun Lee, Jaewoo Shin, Hyun Ho Jung, Sung June Kim, Kyung Hwan Kim, Jin Woo Chang, Motor cortex stimulation and neuropathic pain: how does motor cortex stimulation affect pain-signaling pathways, Journal of Neurosurgery, Vol. 124, no. 3, pp 866-876, Mar. 2016
5. Jeong Woo Choi, Kyoung-Mi Jang, Ki-Young Jung, Myung-Sun Kim, Kyung Hwan Kim, Reduced Theta-band Power and Phase Synchrony during Explicit Verbal Memory Tasks in Female, Non-clinical Individuals with Schizotypal Traits, PLOS ONE, vol. 11, e0148272. Feb, 2016
1. Ki-Young Jung, M.D., Ph.D., Sung Min Kim, Jin-Young Song, Byeong Uk Lee, Chany Lee, Sang Kun Lee, Yong Seo Koo, Yong Won Cho, Jeong Woo Choi, Kyung Hwan Kim, Sternberg working memory performance following treatment with pramipexole in patients with moderate to severe restless legs syndrome, Sleep Medicine, Vol. 16, Issue 6, pp.703-708, 2015
2. Jeong Woo Choi, Kwang Su Cha, Jong Doo Choi, Ki-Young Jung, Kyung Hwan Kim, Difficulty-related changes in inter-regional neural synchrony are dissociated between target and non-target processing, Brain Research, vo. 1603, pp. 114-123, April, 2015
3. Yong Seo Koo, Sung Min Kim, Chany Lee, Byeong Uk Lee, Ye Jo Moon, Yong Won Cho, Chang-Hwan Im, Jeong Woo Choi, Kyung Hwan Kim, Ki-Young Jung, Transcranial direct current stimulation on primary sensorimotor area has no effect in patients with drug-naïve restless legs syndrome: a proof-of-concept clinical trial, Sleep Medicine, vol. 16, pp. 280-287, 2015
1. Gwan-taek Lee, Chany Lee, Kyung Hwan Kim, Ki-Young Jung, Regional and inter-regional theta oscillation during episodic novelty processing, Brain and Cognition, vol. 90, pp.70-75, 2014
2. Sung Min Kim, Jeong Woo Choi, Chany Lee, Byeong Uk Lee, Yong Seo Koo, Kyung Hwan Kim, Ki-Young Jung, Working memory deficit in patients with restless legs syndrome: an event-related potential study, Sleep Medicine, vol. 15, pp.808-815, 2014
3. Yoo YM, Kwag JH, Kim KH, Kim CH., Effects of neuropeptides and mechanical loading on bone cell resorption in vitro, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, vol. 15, pp.5874-5883, 2014
1. Jeong Woo Choi, Jong Ku Lee, Deokwon Ko, Gwan-Taek Lee, Ki-Young Jung, Kyung Hwan Kim, Fronto-temporal interactions in the theta-band during auditory deviant processing, Neuroscience Letters, vol. 548, pp. 120-5, Aug. 2013 (3)
2. Sang Baek Ryu, Eun Kyung Bae, Jin Hyung Kim, Yong Sup Hwang, ChangKyun Im, Jin Woo Chang, Hyung-Cheul Shin, Kyung Hwan Kim, Neuronal responses in the globus pallidus during subthalamic nucleus electrical stimulation in normal and Parkinson’s disease model rats, Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology, vol. 17, p299, Aug. 2013
3. Kyung Hwan Kim, Sung Jin Choi, Jin Ho Kim, A Sound Processor for Cochlear Implant Using a Simple Dual Path Nonlinear Model of Basilar Membrane, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, vol. 2013, Article ID 153039, 11 pages, 2013
4. Yong-Seo Koo, Deokwon Ko, Gwan-Taek Lee, Kyung-Mi Oh, Myung-Sun Kim, Kyung Hwan Kim, Chang-Hwan Im, and Ki-Young Jung, "Reduced Frontal P3a Amplitude in Migraine Patients as during the Pain-Free Period," Journal of Clinical Neurology, vol. 9, pp. 43-50, 2013
5. Chi Hyun Kim, Kyung Hwan Kim, Yeong-Min Yoo, Melatonin-induced autophagy is associated with degradation of MyoD protein in C2C12 myoblast cells, Journal of Pineal Research, Vol. 53, pp. 289-297, 2012
6. Jeong Woo Choi, Deokwon Ko, Gwan-Taek Lee, Ki-Young Jung, Kyung Hwan Kim, Reduced neural synchrony in patients with restless legs syndrome during a visual oddball task, PLoS ONE, vol. 7, no. 7, 2012
7. Jong-Mo Seo, Kyung Hwan Kim, Yong-Sook Goo, Kwang-Suk Park, Sung June Kim, Dong-Il “Dan” Cho and Hum Chung, Vision Rehabilitation by Electrical Retinal Stimulation: Review of Microelectrode Approaches, Sensors and Materials, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 153-164, 2012
8. Kyo-in Koo, Sangmin Lee, Jang Hee Ye, Sang Baek Ryu, Kyung Hwan Kim, Yong Sook Goo, Dong-il Cho, A Novel In Vitro Sensing Configuration for Retinal Physiology Analysis of a Sub-Retinal Prosthesis , Sensors, vol. 12, pp. 3131-3144, 2012 (1)
9. Young-Jin Jung, Kyung Hwan Kim, Chang-Hwan Im, "Mathematical Issues in the Inference of Causal Interactions among Multichannel Neural Signals," Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol. 2012, Article ID 472036, 14 pages, 2012 (2)
10. Deokwon Ko, Soyoung Kwon, Gwan-Taek Lee, Chang Hwan Im, Kyung Hwan Kim, Ki-Young Jung, Theta Oscillation Related to the Auditory Discrimination Process in Mismatch Negativity: Oddball versus Control Paradigm, Journal of Clinical Neurology, vol. 8, pp. 35-42, 2012 (8)
11. Yong Sook Goo, Kun No Ahn, Yeong Jun Song, Su Heok Ahn, Seung Kee Han, Sang Baek Ryu, and Kyung Hwan Kim, Spontaneous Oscillatory Rhythm in Retinal Activities of Two Retinal Degeneration (rd1 and rd10) Mice, Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology, vol. 15, pp. 415-422, Dec., 2011 (1)
12. Sang Baek Ryu, Eun Kyung Bae, Yong Sup Hwang, Hyun Joo Lee, ChangKyun Im, Jin Woo Chang, Hyung-Cheul Shin, Kyung Hwan Kim, A quantitative comparison of basal ganglia neuronal activities of normal and Parkinson’s disease model rats, Neuroscience Letters, vol. 505, no. 2, pp. 113-8, 2011 (3)
13. Sang Baek Ryu, Jang Hee Ye, Yong Sook Goo, Chi Hyun Kim, Kyung Hwan Kim, Decoding of temporal visual information from electrically-evoked retinal ganglion cell activities in photoreceptor-degenerated retinas, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, vol. 52 no. 9, pp. 6271-6278, 2011 (2)
14. Hwang HJ, Kim KH, Jung YJ, Kim DW, Lee YH, Im CH, An EEG-based real-time cortical functional connectivity imaging system, Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, vol 49. No. 9, 985-995, 2011 (3)
15. Yong Sook Goo, Jang Hee Ye, Sang Baek Ryu, Yoonkey Nam, Kyung Hwan Kim, Retinal ganglion cell responses to voltage and current stimulation in wild-type and rd1 mouse retina, vol. 8, no. 3, Journal of Neural Engineering, 2011 (8)
16. Ki-Young Jung, Yong-Seo Koo, Byung-Jo Kim, Deokwon Ko; Gwan-Taek Lee, Kyung Hwan Kim, Chang Hwan Im, Electrophysiologic disturbances during daytime in patients with restless legs syndrome: Further evidence of cognitive dysfunction?, Sleep Medicine, Mar. 3, 2011 (7)
17. Jeongjin Kim, Jeonghoon Woo, Young-Gyun Park, Sujin Chae, Seonmi Jo, Jeong Woo Choi, Hong Young Jun, Young Il Yeom, Seong Hoon Park, Kyung Hwan Kim, Hee-Sup Shin, and Daesoo Kim, Thalamic T-Type Ca2+ Channels Mediate Frontal Lobe Dysfunctions Caused by a Hypoxia-Like Damage in the Prefrontal Cortex, The Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 31, no. 11, pp. 4063-4073, 16 March, 2011 (9)
18. Chi Hyun Kim, Kyung Hwan Kim, Yeong-Min Yoo, Melatonin protects against apoptotic and autophagic cell death in C2C12 murine myoblast cells, Journal of Pineal Research, vol. 50, no. 3, Apr. 2011 (Epub: 2010 Dec. 8) (15)
19. Sang Baek Ryu, Jang Hee Ye, Yong Sook Goo, Chi Hyun Kim, Kyung Hwan Kim, Temporal response property of retinal ganglion cells of rd1 mouse evoked by amplitude-modulated electrical pulse trains, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, vol. 51, no. 12, pp. 6762-6769, Dec., 2010 (9)
20. Sang Baek Ryu, Jang Hee Ye, Jong-Seung Lee, Yong Sook Goo, Chi Hyun Kim, Kyung Hwan Kim, Decoding of retinal ganglion cell spike trains evoked by temporally patterned electrical stimulation, Brain Research, vol. 1348, 71-83, 2010 (4)
21. Sang Baek Ryu, Jang Hee Ye, Yong Sook Goo, Chi Hyun Kim, Kyung Hwan Kim, Electrically-evoked neural activities of rd1 mice retinal ganglion cells by repetitive pulse stimulation, Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology, vol. 13, pp. 443-448, 2009 (8)
22. Jeong Woo Choi, Ki-Young Jung, Chi Hyun Kim, Kyung Hwan Kim, Changes in Gamma and Theta band Phase Synchronization Patterns Due to the Difficulty of Auditory Oddball Task, Neuroscience Letters, vol. 468, pp. 156-160, 2010, Jan (7)
23. Chi Hyun Kim, Kyung Hwan Kim and Christopher R Jacobs, Effects of High Frequency Loading on RANKL and OPG mRNA Expression in ST-2 Murine Stromal Cells, BMC Musculoskeletal Disorder, vol. 10, pp. 109-115, 2009 (5)
24. Byung Gwan Kim, Ji Hyun Kwag, Han Sung Kim, Kyung Hwan Kim, Chi Hyun Kim, In Vitro Bone Cell Response to Fluid Shear Stress during Pregnancy, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, vol. 6, no. 13, pp. 1290-1295, 2009
25. Kyung Hwan Kim, Jeong Woo Choi, Jin Yoon, Difference in Gamma-band Phase Synchronization during Semantic Processing of Visually Presented Words from Primary and Secondary Languages, Brain Research, vol. 1291, pp. 82-91, 2009 (5)
26. Ki-Young Jung, Joong-Koo Kang, Ji Hyun Kim, Chang-Hwan Im, Kyung Hwan Kim, Hyun-Kyo Jung, Spatiotemporospectral characteristics of scalp ictal EEG in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis, Brain Research, vol. 1287, pp. 206-219, 2009 (12)
27. Sang Baek Ryu, Jang Hee Ye, Yong Sook Goo, Chi Hyun Kim, Kyung Hwan Kim, Accurate representation of light-intensity information by the neural activities of independently firing retinal ganglion cells, Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 221-227, June, 2009
28. Byung Gwan Kim, Ji Hyun Kwag, Han Sung Kim, Kyung Hwan Kim, Chi Hyun Kim, Bone Cell Response to Fluid Shear Stress and Cyclic Compressive Strain 3D Trabecular Bone, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, vol. 6, no. 4-11, pp. 540-548, 2009
29. Sang Baek Ryu, Jang Hee Ye, Yong Sook Goo, Kyung Hwan Kim, “Characterization of retinal ganglion cell activities evoked by temporally patterned electrical stimulation for the development of stimulus encoding strategies for retinal implants,” Brain Research, vol. 1275, pp. 33-42, Jun., 2009 (8)
30. Kyung Hwan Kim, Jin Ho Kim, Sung Jin Choi, Doo Hee Kim, “An improved speech processing strategy for cochlear implants based on an active nonlinear filterbank model of the biological cochlea,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 828-836, March, 2009 (9)
31. Jang Hee Ye, Sang Baek Ryu, Kyung Hwan Kim, Yong Sook Goo, Functional Connectivity Map of Retinal Ganglion Cells for Retinal Prosthesis, Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 307 – 314, 2008 (4)
32. Kyung Hwan Kim, Ja Hyun Kim, Jin Yoon, Ki-Young Jung, “Influence of task difficulty on the features of event-related potential during visual oddball task,” Volume 445, Issue 2, 14 November 2008, pp. 179-183, Neuroscience Letters, 2008 (19)
33. Kyung Hwan Kim, Jin Yoon, Ja Hyun Kim, , Ki-Young Jung, “Changes in gamma-band power and phase synchronization due to the difficulty of visual oddball task,” Brain Research, vol. 1236, pp. 105-112, Oct., 2008 (10)
34. Kyung Hwan Kim, “An Improved Algorithm for Fully Automated Neural Spike Sorting based on Projection Pursuit and Gaussian Mixture Model,” International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, vol. 4, no. 6, pp.705-713, Dec., 2006 (5)
35. Kyung Hwan Kim, Ja Hyun Kim, “Analysis of Induced Gamma-band Activity in EEG during Visual Perception of Korean, English, Chinese Words,” Neuroscience Letters, vol. 403, pp. 216-221, Aug., 2006 (8)
36. Kyung Hwan Kim, Ja Hyun Kim, “Comparison of spatiotemporal brain activation pattern during visual perception of Korean, English, Chinese words: an ERP study,” Neuroscience Letters, vol. 394, pp. 227-232, Feb., 2006 (11)
37. Kyung Hwan Kim, Sung Shin Kim and Sung June Kim, “Improvement of spike train decoder under spike detection and classification errors using support vector machine,” Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, vol. 44, pp. 124-130, 2006 (4)
38. Hyo Woon Yoon, Jun-Young Chung, Kyung Hwan Kim, Myung-Sung Song, Hyun Wook Park, “An fMRI study of Chinese character reading and picture naming by native Korean speakers,” Neuroscience Letters, vol. 392, pp. 90-95, Jan., 2006 (13)
39. Kyung Hwan Kim, Sung Shin Kim and Sung June Kim, “Superiority of nonlinear mapping in decoding multiple single-unit neuronal spike trains: a simulation study,” Journal of Neuroscience Methods, vol. 150, pp. 202-211, Jan. 2006 (21)
40. Kyung Hwan Kim, Seok Won Bang, and Sang Ryong Kim, “Emotion recognition system using short-time monitoring of physiological signals,” Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 419-427, May, 2004 (358)
41. Kyung Hwan Kim, Hyo Woon Yoon, and Hyun Wook Park, “Spatiotemporal brain activation pattern during word/picture perception by native Koreans,” NeuroReport, vol. 15, no. 7, pp. 1099-1103, May, 2004 (15)
42. Kyung Hwan Kim, Hyo Woon Yoon, and Hyun Wook Park, “Improved ballistocardiac artifact removal from electroencephalogram recorded in fMRI,” Journal of Neuroscience Methods, vol. 135, issue 1-2, pp. 193-203, May, 2004 (52)
43. Kyung Hwan Kim and Sung June Kim, “A wavelet-based method for action potential detection from extracellular neural signal recording with low signal-to-noise ratio,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 50, no. 8, pp. 999-1011, 2003 (88)
Before 2004
44. Kyung Hwan Kim and Sung June Kim, “Method for unsupervised classification of multiunit neural signal recording under low signal-to-noise ratio,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 50, no. 4, pp. 421-431, 2003 (32)
45. Kyung Hwan Kim and Sung June Kim, “Neural spike sorting under nearly 0 dB signal-to-noise ratio using nonlinear energy operator and artificial neural network classifier,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 47, no. 10, pp. 1406-1411, Oct. 2000 (135)
46. Kyung Hwan Kim and Sung June Kim, “Noise performance design of CMOS preamplifier for active semiconductor neural probe,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 47, No. 8, pp. 1097-1105, Aug. 2000 (20)
47. Kyung Hwan Kim and Sung June Kim, “Noise characteristic design of CMOS source follower and voltage amplifier for active semiconductor microelectrodes for neural signal recording,” Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 469-472, July 2000 (5)
48. Kyung Hwan Kim and Sung June Kim, "Broadening of absorption spectrum in a p-type InGaAs-InAlAs coupled quantum well," Semiconductor Science and Technology, vol. 12, Dec. 1997, pp.1579-1582